Vaughan Baker, Founding Faculty Member of Friends of the Humanities

“The Humanities are the academic disciplines that study human culture in all its forms– art, architecture, music, languages and literature, history and philosophy, human society from earliest times. The Humanities explore those aspects of the human experience that teach us about ourselves as human beings.

“Humanistic subjects include poetry, sacred scriptures, music in all its forms, painting and sculpture, politics and economics, archeology and religion in their historical development. The skills we gain from studying the Humanities and the Liberal Arts teach us critical thinking and to question and learn from our experience.

“The Humanities lead us to an understanding and appreciation the best of human thought and expression from ancient times to the present, enrich our lives and strengthen us through challenging and changing times.”

H. Gordon Brooks II
FAIA Dean, College of the Arts

“The Friends of the Humanities has been a robust supporter of the arts and humanities for its entire history. It has been interesting to watch as it has grown, attracted more members and raised more money for our programs. Our faculty and programs have benefited from the scholarships and grants from the Friends. We are indebted to them for their support.”

Jordan Kellman
Dean, College of Liberal Arts

“The Friends of the Humanities have made a bigger difference in the humanities at UL Lafayette over the past three decades than any other group or organization. By attending courses and giving faculty positive feedback, by sponsoring faculty research projects, conference travel, and pedagogical development, by supporting the humanities endowed professor and sponsoring lectures, performances and symposia — by being involved and caring — the Friends have raised the quality of offerings in the humanities in our community to a level not available in most universities or in other cities our size.”

Mary Ann Wilson
Professor Emeritus of English

“The Friends of the Humanities is a vital and intellectually rich organization that has given me many opportunities for teaching and travel and fellowship. They have been an invaluable resource for our humanities programs at UL, as well as a cultural asset in the Lafayette community. I look forward to more stimulating dialogue in their Books and Films classes and more literary tours across the country.”